Welcome to SAMAGRA Montessori, where we believe in nurturing every aspect of your child’s growth. We provide an environment that caters to the complete development of your child – academically, emotionally, and socially. Our Montessori environment provides the children ample opportunities to explore, choose, work, space for errors and corrections, perfect, and know their interests. We help them grow as an individual who know themselves better and make better choices in life. It is an education for life.

Dr. Montessori believed that the human personality is shaped by experiences. Hence it is our responsibility to create an environment that will give them an experience of true social life. Children must have practical experiences as they lay the foundation. The foundation must be laid in childhood. Therefore a proper early education is very important. Dr. Montessori said “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six.”

Dr. Maria Montessori (Aug 31, 1870 - May 6, 1952) was an esteemed Italian physician, educator and innovator, acclaimed for her educational method that builds on the way children learn naturally. She opened the first Montessori school –the Casa dei Bambini, or Children’s House in Rome on January 6, 1907. Subsequently she travelled around the world and wrote extensively about her approach to education. Now there are thousands of Montessori schools in countries worldwide.

Dr. Maria Montessori
“My vision of the future is no longer of people taking exams and proceeding on that certification from the secondary school to the university, but of individuals passing from one stage of independence to a higher, by means of their own activity, through their own effort of will, which constitutes the inner evolution of the individual.”
- Maria Montessori


Our Program



For children from 18 months to 3 years



For children from 3 to 6 years


For Math and Language

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Practical Life

Practical Life Exercises encompass the routine tasks..


Children between the ages of birth to 6 years..


Language is nothing but a mode for expression of thought..


The children are introduced to geography, history, science, cultural studies


Math is all around us; in nature and in our lives.